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Bajalengua de Andrew

Bajalengua de Andrew es un instrumento especializado que permite tanto proteger la lengua como evitar su intromisión involuntaria en el sitio operatorio.

  • Superficie Estriada que Potencia la Fijación a Tejidos.
  • Bordes Romos para Reducir el Daño Local.
  • Manejo Impecable Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.


El Bajalengua de Andrew ofrece beneficios variados en procedimientos dentales, maxilofaciales y ORL. Su función principal consiste en presionar la lengua contra el piso de la boca sin dañar otros tejidos.

Para lograrlo, el instrumento cuenta con una hoja alargada y estriada para deprimir la lengua con firmeza. Asimismo, el diseño en forma de L es ideal para obtener la mayor visión posible de la boca y la orofaringe. Su borde romo, a su vez, disminuye las lesiones al esmalte dental y a la mucosa de los tejidos.

Nuestro Bajalengua de Andrew posee un mango aerodinámico, liviano y plano que optimiza el agarre. Aparte, su cabo proximal exhibe un ganchito para reposar la mano que brinda comodidad y estabilidad.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de alta calidad, fácil de esterilizar, con un acabado mate que reduce los destellos de luz.

Author Name Andrew, Andrew
Working End Details Hoja Fenestrada, Serrated Blade
Handle Type Mango Sólido, Solid Handle
Overall Length 14.5 cm – 5 3/4″, 14.5 cm – 5 3/4″
Finish Satinado, Satin
Material Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel
CE Marking Si, Yes
Reusable Si, Yes
Used in Specialties: Dental,
Oral & Maxillofacial,
Product Category: Retractors, Hooks & Spatulas,
Product Type: Tongue Depressors,


Joseph Mucosa Hook

(0 Reviews)
Joseph Mucosa Hook is a popular device in ENT, plastic and general surgery, which surgeons can use to retract and hold flaps of tissue, in order to access deeper cavities within the surgical field.
  • Single or Double-Pronged Patterns to Suit All Needs.
  • Elongated Shaft Ensuring Deep Surgical Access.
  • 2.0 to 10.0mm Working End Sizes Available.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle for Maximum Control.

Krayenbuhl Micro Nerve & Vessel Hook

(0 Reviews)
Krayenbuhl Micro Nerve & Vessel Hook is a specialized surgical device that allows for retracting, holding, and mobilizing small arteries, veins, and nerves, in order to protect them in surgeries that involve dissection.
  • Blunt & Ball Tip Designs for Suiting All Applications.
  • Long-Reaching Shaft Promoting Deep Surgical Access.
  • Knurled Grip Style Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Maltzman-Fenzl Lens Manipulating Hook

(0 Reviews)
Maltzman-Fenzl Lens Manipulating Hook is a specialized ophthalmic tool that surgeons commonly use to rotate the lens into position for its subsequent division, especially during phaco and certain cataract procedures.
  • Atraumatic Bifurcated Tip For Minimizing Local Injury.
  • Straight Or Angled Shanks For Reaching Multiple Surgical Approaches.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Maximum Control.

Mini-Langenbeck Retractor

(0 Reviews)
Mini-Langenbeck Retractor is a hand-held surgical device that allows surgeons to pull back the skin and other subcutaneous tissues during a broad range of general surgeries.
  • L-Shaped Tip For Holding Onto The Inner Surface Of The Skin
  • Ergonomic Ridged Handle For Maximum Surgical Control
  • Long Slender Neck For Versatile Tissue Retraction

Obwegeser Third Molar Retractor

(0 Reviews)
Obwegeser Third Molar Retractor is a specialized device that dental and maxillofacial surgeons use to remove impacted wisdom teeth from their alveolar processes.
  • U-Shaped Blade to Promote Precise Retraction.
  • 22 x 70mm Blade Size for Deep Surgical Access.
  • Ergonomic Finger Ring Ensuring Superior Handling.

Rose Tracheal Retractor

(0 Reviews)
Rose Tracheal Retractor assists otoloaryngologists to retract neck tissues in tracheotomy procedures. It helps displace the cricoid cartilage and the pretracheal tissues in order to facilitate a better view for the tracheal incision.
  • Flat Handle To Guarantee Non-slip Grips.
  • Slender Shaft For A Clear Field Of Vision.
  • Blunt Blades For Safe Manipulations.

Separador de Taylor

(0 Reviews)
Separador de Taylor es un instrumento especializado que los cirujanos emplean para retraer y separar los tejidos blandos y músculos que rodean la espina dorsal, a fin de exponer el sitio operatorio.
  • Dos Extremos para Manipulaciones Integrales.
  • Hojas de 75 x 30mm y 100 x 30mm de Tamaño Disponibles.
  • Manejo Excelente Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.
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