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Aplicador de Gasa

Aplicador de Gasa es un instrumento especializado que permite taponar y cubrir heridas luego de la avulsi ³n parcial o total de una u ±a, a fin de absorber sangre y otros fluidos.

  • Bordes Romos que Reducen el Da ±o Local.
  • 2 Tama ±os para Ajustarse a Diversas Gasas.
  • Hojas C ³ncavas para Aplicar Gasas Tubulares.


El Aplicador de Gasa ofrece beneficios indispensables en procedimientos de podiatr ­a. Su funci ³n radica en limpiar y proteger el lecho ungueal tras la avulsi ³n de la u ±a afectada.

Para este fin, el instrumento cuenta con dos hojas c ³ncavas, que cerradas forman un tubo. De tal modo, su dise ±o es perfecto para sujetar y aplicar las gasas tubulares que se ajustan al dedo.

Nuestro Aplicador de Gasa est ¡ disponible en tama ±os peque ±o y grande a escoger de acuerdo al caso. Adem ¡s, su dise ±o en U configura un sistema pivotante para abrir y cerrar las hojas.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de primera calidad, que otorga una larga vida ºtil al instrumento.


Ancillary Products and Accessories, Ancillary Products and Accessories


Satinado, Satin


Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel

CE Marking

Si, Yes


Si, Yes

Used in Specialties: Podiatry Instruments,
Product Category: Ancillary Products and Accessories,
Product Type:


Hatchets Fig. 8/9H

(0 Reviews)

Langenbeck Finger Protector

(0 Reviews)
Langenbeck Finger Protector is a specialized surgical device that oral & maxillofacial surgeons commonly use to protect their middle finger during surgery, in order to prevent accidental puncture or cutting in deep surgical techniques.
  • Curved Outline Promoting Surgical Comfort.
  • Hollow Cylindrical Design to Insert the Index with Ease.
  • 18.0 to 22.0mm Diameters to Suit All Finger Sizes.

Membrane Placement Instrument

(0 Reviews)
The Membrane Placement Instrument is a specialized dental instrument used to adapt membranes and fix stabilizing tacks on them during bone graft surgeries.
  • Diamond Pattern Knurled Handle For An Optimum Grip
  • Ergonomic, Round, Hollow & Light Weight Handles For Maximum Comfort & Minimizing The Risk Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Double Ended, With One Flat, Curved Blade For Adaptation & One Straight Pointed Blade To Fix Tacks

Sloane LASEK Micro Hoe

(0 Reviews)
Sloane LASEK Micro Hoe is a specialized ophthalmic device that surgeons use for lifting the corneal epithelium flap hinge to gain access to the stromal tissue, especially during LASEK procedures.
  • Atraumatic Semi-Circular Tip For Avoiding Local Damage.
  • Beveled Edges For Accessing The Stromal Tissue With Ease.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Maximum Control.

Wire Loop for Tonsil Snare

(0 Reviews)
Wire Loop for Tonsil Snare is a specialized surgical spare part that ENT surgeons use for encircling the diseased tonsil, in order to cleanly dissect the tissue from the tonsillar fossa.
  • Atraumatic Cutting Wire for Dissecting Tonsillar Tissues.
  • Teardrop Shape for Fitting the Tonsil's Anatomy.
  • Spare Part for Tonsil Snares of All Types.
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