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Adson Dressing Forcep

Adson Dressing Forcep is a specialized surgical tool that surgeons in every area can use for grasping, holding and mobilizing different types of dressings, in order to absorb blood and other fluids.

  • Finely Serrated Jaws for Avoiding Local Injury.
  • Tungsten Carbide Inserts for Extremely Firm Grasps.
  • Spring Style Handles Ensuring Maximum Control.

TC Inserts For Impeccable Gripping


The Adson Dressing Forcep is a clamping surgical device that offers a wide array of advantages. Its main role during surgery is to pack wounds and surgical incisions.

For this purpose, the instrument comes with a pair of tapering jaws for grasping smaller dressings. Moreover, one of the patterns features our UltraGrip™ technology with tungsten carbide inserts for an impeccable grip experience.

The Adson Dressing Forcep UltraGrip™ model has a golden-plate handle coating to distinguish from our premium stainless steel pattern.

In addition, the handle has flat stems with horizontal ridges that ensure a secure grip. The stems form a resilient spring mechanism, which provides smooth closure movements.

Manufactured in premium grade stainless steel with a fine satin finish that reduces glare.

Author Name



Cardiovascular, Dental, ENT, General Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics, Microsurgery, Neurosurgery / Spine, Oral & Maxillofacial, Orthopedic, Plastic Surgery, Stomach, Intestine & Rectum, Urology


Dressing Forceps



Working End Details

Serrated Jaws

Handle Type

Flat Handle With Spring Action




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Working End Profile

Curved, Straight

Used in Specialties: Cardiovascular,
General Surgery Instruments,
Gynecology & Obstetrics,
Neurosurgery / Spine,
Oral & Maxillofacial,
Plastic Surgery,
Stomach, Intestine & Rectum,
Product Category: Forceps,
Product Type: Dressing Forceps,


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  • Helically Grooved for Accommodating Between Teeth.
  • Circular Distal Platform to Adjust the Mouth Opening.

Micro-Mosquito Artery Forcep

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  • Straight & Curved Profiles to Suit Multiple Approaches.
  • Transversely Serrated Jaws to Ensure a Firm Grip.
  • Ergonomic Finger Rings Promoting Superior Handling.

Obwegeser Alveolar Osteotome

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Obwegeser Alveolar Osteotome is a specialized instrument that maxillofacial surgeons can use for cutting and carving across the delicate alveolar zone of the maxillary bone, in order to perform osteotomy and reconstructive procedures.
  • Atraumatic Small Beveled Blade for Minimizing Local Injury.
  • Entirely Straight Outline for Deep Surgical Access.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle for Superior Control.

Osteótomo de Bauer

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Osteótomo de Bauer es un instrumento quirúrgico que los cirujanos usan para cortar y dividir superficies óseas, en especial durante procedimientos de osteotomía para reparar fracturas y otras lesiones.
  • Hoja con Defensa para Evitar Lesiones Locales.
  • Disponible en Modelos Curvado y Recto.
  • Manejo Impecable Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.

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The Prichard Periosteal Raspatory / Elevator Fig. PR-3 is a dental instrument used to elevate, reflect and retract the mucoperiosteum, exposing the underlying bone during oral surgeries.
  • Diamond Pattern Knurled Handle For An Optimum Grip
  • Double Ended With One Straight, Rounded End & One Flat, Curved End For Versatility
  • Ergonomic, Round, Hollow & Light Weight Handles For Maximum Comfort & Minimizing The Risk Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Rubin Bone Osteotome

(0 Reviews)
Rubin Bone Osteotome is a specialized surgical tool that rhinology surgeons can use to cut and reshape the nasal dorsum bone surface, in order to remove overgrowth bony tissue during reconstruction nasal procedures.
  • Atraumatic Beveled Blade for Minimizing Septal Damage.
  • Reliable Shaft Stabilizer for Avoiding Lateral Rotation.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle for Maximum Control.

Separador para Mejillas de Minnesota

(0 Reviews)
Separador para Mejillas de Minnesota es un instrumento exploratorio que los cirujanos emplean para sujetar, retraer y deprimir diversos tejidos en el interior de la boca, a fin de exponer lesiones o sitios patológicos.
  • Bordes Romos para Tracciones Atraumáticas.
  • Diseño de Bayoneta que Optimiza la Visión.
  • Manejo Impecable Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.
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