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Abrebocas de Davis-Boyle

Abrebocas de Davis-Boyle es un instrumento quirúrgico que los cirujanos emplean para separar los maxilares superior e inferior a una amplitud ideal, permitiendo así la observación óptima del sitio operatorio.

  • Marco en U que Incrementa la Exposición Oral.
  • Ganchos Metálicos para Fijarse a los Dientes.
  • Mango con Riel para Insertar Bajalenguas.


El Abrebocas de Davis-Boyle brinda ventajas indispensables en procedimientos dentales, ORL y maxilofaciales. Su función radica en mantener la boca abierta en pacientes anestesiados durante diversas cirugías.

Para este fin, el instrumento posee un marco cilíndrico en forma de U para una apertura excepcional. Además, el riel superior exhibe un par de ganchos deslizantes destinados a fijarse a los dientes y garantizar soporte.

Nuestro Abrebocas de Davis-Boyle está disponible en un modelo con cinco bajalenguas de diversos tamaños. Como resultado, el cirujano puede insertarlos mediante un riel ubicado en el mango. Este, a su vez, se opera con una palanca que bloquea o abre la luz del riel.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de excelente calidad con un acabado mate que evita reflejos de luz.

Author Name
Ratchet / Lock Si, Yes
Finish Satinado, Satin
Material Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel
CE Marking Si, Yes
Reusable Si, Yes
Used in Specialties: Dental,
Oral & Maxillofacial,
Product Category: Retractors, Hooks & Spatulas,
Product Type: Mouth Gags,


Negus Chest Support for Mouth Gag

(0 Reviews)
Negus Chest Support for Mouth Gag is a specialized device that dentists, ENT and maxillofacial surgeons use to statically suspend mouth spreading devices.
  • Sliding Support for Placing Gags with Precision.
  • Ratchet System Ensuring Powerful Locking Action.
  • Slotted Base to Fixate Chest Belts.

Retractor de Rama de Obwegeser

(0 Reviews)
® Retractor de Rama de Obwegeser es un instrumento quirúrgico que permite retraer y movilizar los tejidos que envuelven la rama ascendente de la mandíbula, como también la rama misma.
  • Borde con Muesca para Asirse a las Apófisis.
  • Disponible con Punta Recta o Doblada Hacia Abajo.
  • Agarre Firme Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.

Schocket Scleral Depressor

(0 Reviews)
Schocket Scleral Depressor is a specialized device that ophthalmic surgeons can use for depressing, manipulating and marking the sclera, in order to dark, ring-shaped impressions that localize retinal holes.
  • Double-Ended Profile Suitable for Multiple Functions.
  • Slightly Curved Shafts for Higer Surgical Precision.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.
  • Accessory Clip to Carry the Device with Comfort.

Silverman Fixation Hook

(0 Reviews)
Silverman Fixation Hook is a specialized ophthalmic device that surgeons can use to engage, fixate and retract the most delicate tissues of the eye, such as the scleral tissue and the corneal stroma.
  • Semi-Sharp Cone Shaped Tip For Atraumatic Tissue Retraction.
  • Resilient Straight Shank For Higher Surgical Precision.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle For Maximum Control.

Turner-Warwick Urological Retractor

(0 Reviews)
The ® Turner-Warwick Urological Retractor is a specialized surgical instrument commonly used in delicate surgeries to achieve 360-degree exposure for manipulation. Frequently used in urological procedures as well as general surgeries.
  • Six Blades For Efficient Retraction
  • Claw Blades For Secure Grip On Tissues
  • Ergonomic Design For Superior Control

Adson Dura Hook

(0 Reviews)
Adson Dura Hook is a specialized tool that neurosurgeons frequently use to elevate, mobilize and manipulate the dura fibrous membrane and other soft tissues, in order to expose the surgical field.
  • 90° Working End Angle for Reaching Narrow Cavities.
  • Blunt & Sharp Profiles for Suiting All Applications.
  • Knurled Style Grip Handle Ensuring Strong Gripping.

Beckmann-Adson Self Retaining Retractor

(0 Reviews)
The ® Beckmann-Adson Self Retaining Retractor is a specialized surgical instrument commonly used during various procedures to retract incisions. It improves the surgical view and allows the surgeon better access for surgical maneuvers. Commonly used in neurology surgeries, spinal surgery, orthopedic and general procedures.
  • Multiple Tip Configurations For Ideal Use
  • Hinged Shanks For Improved Placement
  • Streamlined Design For Superior Control
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