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Obwegeser Ring Handle Maxillary Awl

Obwegeser Ring Handle Maxillary Awl is a multipurpose surgical device that maxillofacial specialists use to enlarge bone holes and suture tissues, such as detached muscles, during orthognathic procedures.

  • Pointed Sharp Tip to Enlarge Bone Holes.
  • Slightly Curved Design for Optimal Surgical Access.
  • Ergonomic Finger Ring Ensuring Strong Gripping.


The Obwegeser Ring Handle Maxillary Awl offers a wide array of surgical benefits. Its principal use is to broaden bone holes and guide metallic wires during mandibular or maxillary surgery.

For this purpose, the instrument features a pointed tip with a hole to navigate the wires across the surgical field. In addition, the tip has sharp edges that allow surgeons to perform circular movements on pre-formed holes to enlarge them.

Moreover, the Obwegeser Ring Handle Maxillary Awl features a fenestrated handle with two holes. One hole consists of a ring handle and the other has a teardrop shape to rest the hand and prevent slippage.

Manufactured in premium grade stainless steel to ensure the highest quality instruments in your operating rooms.


ENT, Oral & Maxillofacial

Author Name





Needle Holders & Passers

Working End Details

Tip With Eye

Handle Type

Ring Handle

Overall Length

18 cm – 7″




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: ENT,
Oral & Maxillofacial,
Product Category: Needle Holders & Passers,
Product Type:


American Pattern Tooth Extraction Forceps Fig. 210S

(0 Reviews)
The American Pattern Tooth Extraction Forceps Fig. 210S is a surgical instrument used to extract Upper Molars.
  • Ergonomic Handle Design To Decrease Effort
  • Light Weight To Provide Maximum Comfort
  • Horizontal Polished Hinge Providing Extremely Easy Movement
  • Smoothly Curved Tips Making Them Suitable For Both Sides

Bernhard Towel Clamp

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Bernhard Towel Clamp is a specialized device that surgeons in several fields use to statically fix sterile drapes around the operative site, in order to enhance the view of the anatomical targets.
  • 1 x 1 Prongs Ensuring Exceptional Clamping.
  • Ratchet System for Self-Retaining the Jaws.
  • Ergonomic Finger Rings Promoting Optimal Handling.

Chadwick Gum Scissor

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The ® Chadwick Gum Scissor is a specialized instrument used for sharp dissection of tissues. It is commonly preferred by surgeons for dissecting overgrown gingival tissue during gingivectomy as well as other ocular, plastic and general surgeries.
  • Short Blades For Precise Dissection
  • Angled Jaws To Contort To Soft Tissue
  • Ergonomic Finger Handles For Better Control

Cowhorn English Pattern Tooth Extraction Forceps Fig. 86

(0 Reviews)
The Cowhorn English Pattern Tooth Extraction Forceps Fig. 86 is a surgical instrument used to extract Lower Molars .
  • Ergonomic Handle Design To Decrease Effort
  • No Slip Grip Narrow Beaks For Maximum Control
  • Light Weight To Provide Maximum Comfort
  • Box Joint Providing The Easiest Mobility

DeBakey Atrauma Forcep

(0 Reviews)
DeBakey Atrauma Forcep is a tweezer-like device that surgeons in multiple specialities use for clamping small arteries or veins, grasping soft tissues and packing critical wounds.
  • 1 x 2 Atraumatic Serrations to Minimize Trauma.
  • Tapered Working End for Traversing Narrow Spaces.
  • 1.0 to 3.5mm Jaw Sizes to Suit All Applications.

Elevador de Dunn-Dautrey

(0 Reviews)
Elevador de Dunn-Dautrey es un instrumento especializado que los cirujanos usan para separar el periostio adherido a los huesos del cráneo, en especial durante cirugías reconstructivas.
  • Cucharilla Ovalada para Despegar los Tejidos.
  • Parte Activa de 6 x 48mm y 6 x 56mm.
  • Excelente Manejo Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.

English Pattern Tooth Extraction Forceps Fig. 74

(0 Reviews)
The English Pattern Tooth Extraction Forceps Fig. 74 is a surgical instrument used to extract Lower anterior teeth and remaining roots.
  • Ergonomic Handle Design To Decrease Effort
  • No Slip Grip Serrated Beaks For Maximum Control
  • Light Weight To Provide Maximum Comfort
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