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Haraldsson Suction Elevator

Haraldsson Suction Elevator is a specialized device that ENT, maxillofacial and plastic surgeons can use to elevate perichondrium flaps and aspire blood or other fluids during rhinoplasty.

  • Blunt-Edged Tip Promoting Atraumatic Manipulation.
  • Rotatable Tube Olive to Suction Fluids from All Angles.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.


The Haraldsson Suction Elevator offers a wide range of surgical advantages. Its principal use is to assist in the dissection of perichondrium and periosteal flaps during rhinoplasty and other procedures.

For this purpose, the instrument features a straight tube that enhances the reach to deep surgical targets. In addition, the tube ends in a front port, which is ideal to suction blood and other substances from the surgical field. The edges of the tube have a blunt and bevelled design to lift tissues without trauma.

Moreover, the Haraldsson Suction Elevator features a solid handle that resembles a pencil and enhances gripping. The bottom of the handle has a rotatable olive for manipulating the device in every direction.

Manufactured in premium grade stainless steel to ensure the highest quality and product performance during surgical procedures.


ENT, General Surgery, Oral & Maxillofacial, Plastic Surgery

Author Name



Suction Tubes


Suction Tubes, Cannulas & Trocars

Overall Length

18.5 cm – 7 1/4″




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: ENT,
General Surgery Instruments,
Oral & Maxillofacial,
Plastic Surgery,
Product Category: Suction Tubes, Cannulas & Trocars,
Product Type: Suction Tubes,


Lid Retractor

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Lid Retractor is an ophthalmologic surgical tool that ensures the optimal retraction of the eyelids without injuring surrounding tissues or the eyeball.
  • Dynamic Hollow Blade For Maximum Exposure
  • Ergonomic Flat Handle With Horizontal Ridges For Enhanced Gripping
  • Curved Blade Design For Atraumatic Eyelid Retraction

Maguaran Plate

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Maguaran Plate is a specialized accessory device that dentists, ENT and maxillofacial surgeons use to provide strong support to Draffin Bipod, in order to hold the Davis-Boyle Mouth Gag.
  • Small Circular Holes for Supporting the Draffin Bipod.
  • Flat Plate Design for Comfortable Carrying.

McIndoe Dissecting Forcep

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The ® McIndoe Dissecting Forcep is a specialized surgical instrument commonly used for manipulation of delicate tissue sin hard to reach places. The narrow blades grasp and precisely manipulate delicate tissues with ease. Commonly used in ophthalmic, plastic as well as maxillofacial surgeries.
  • Extremely Thin Jaws For Deep tissue Access
  • Serrations And Teeth For Secure Grip
  • Spring Handle For Superior Control

Micro-Adson Dissecting Forcep

(0 Reviews)
The ® Micro-Adson Dissecting Forcep is a specialized instrument used for grasping very fine tissues and manipulating delicate organs and tissues. It is commonly used in ophthalmic and ENT surgeries as well as cardiovascular procedures.
  • Narrow Jaws For Better Access
  • Serrated Tips For Secure Grip
  • Ergonomic Design For Superior Control
TC Inserts For Impeccable Gripping

Nasal Tampon Forceps

(0 Reviews)
Nasal Tampon Forceps assist rhinology doctors to insert packing materials in the nasal cavity for medications or hemostasis. They are ideal for grasping sheets of gauze for nasal packing procedures.
  • Serrated handles for firm and controlled manipulations.
  • Bayonet necks for ideal visual and surgical access.
  • Several shapes are available to suit different indications.

Obwegeser Wedge Osteotome

(0 Reviews)
Obwegeser Wedge Osteotome is a specialized surgical tool that maxillofacial surgeons can use for cutting and dividing the lower jawbone, in order to perform reconstructive plastic surgeries.
  • Atraumatic Beveled Blade for Avoiding Bone Breaking.
  • Solid Straight Design for Higher Surgical Precision.
  • Ergonomic Ferrozell Handle for Enhanced Gripping.
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