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Swan Neck Nail Probe

Swan Neck Nail Probe is a specialized podiatric device that surgeons can use to explore, investigate and look for adnexal nail tissues abnormalities, in order to diagnose ingrown nails and other nail-related diseases.

  • Swan-Shaped Neck to Suit Different Approaches.
  • Blunted Distal Tip to Prevent Local Damage.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.


The Swan Neck Nail Probe offers a wide range of surgical advantages. Its principal use is to assist podiatrists in the exploration of paronychium and the nail bed.

For this purpose, the instrument features a swan-shaped probe that conforms to the contour of the finger. In addition, the probe has a blunt distal tip that helps to explore problematic tissues without injuring local structures.

Moreover, the Swan Neck Nail Probe features a solid, round handle that enhances gripping. Also, the handle includes a knurled style surface that prevents slippage and finger strain.

Manufactured in premium grade stainless steel to ensure the highest quality instruments in your operating rooms.


Podiatry Instruments


Nail Probes


Probes & Dilators

Handle Type

Solid Handle

Overall Length

14 cm – 5 1/2″




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: Podiatry Instruments,
Product Category: Probes & Dilators,
Product Type: Nail Probes,


Narrow Blade Nail Cutter

(0 Reviews)
Narrow Blade Nail Cutter is a specialized podiatric and chiropody device that surgeons can use to cut pieces of toenails, in order to extract ingrown nails, drain nail bed abscesses and other procedures.
  • Sharp Cutting Edge to Trim Nails with Precision.
  • Boxlock Joint for Smooth Jaw Movements.
  • Plier Grip Style Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Diamond Deb Foot Dresser

(0 Reviews)
Diamond Deb Foot Dresser is a specialized podiatric and chiropody device that the operator uses for eliminating excess skin from the foot, in order to minimize callous tissue and relieve pressure and friction pain.
  • Diamond Coat Promoting Hardened Skin Removal.
  • Narrow Profile to Reach All Spaces.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Mackay Nail Elevator

(0 Reviews)
Mackay Nail Elevator is a specialized device that podiatrists use to lift diseased nails or the ingrown portion of a toenail, in order to facilitate its further separation from the nail bed.
  • Blunt-Edged Blades to Avoid Local Injury.
  • Triangular Desing for Enhanced Lever Action.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Promoting Superior Control.

Anvil Nail Extracting Forceps

(0 Reviews)
Anvil Nail Extracting Forceps is a specialized orthopedic and podiatry device that surgeons can use to cut, divide and extract complete nails or ingrowth nail pieces, in order to prevent further complications.
  • Blunt and Sharp Edges for Cutting Nails with Ease.
  • Double Spring Mechanism for Smooth
  • Plier Style Grip Handle Ensuring Superior Control.

Radolf Nail Extracting Forceps

(0 Reviews)
Radolf Nail Extracting Forceps is a hand-held device that podiatry and orthopaedic specialists use to remove ingrown or diseased nails from the toes.
  • Toothed Surfaces for Enhanced Gripping.
  • Straight Jaws to Ensure Extracting Precision.
  • Ergonomic Handle with Ridges to Prevent Slippage.

Elevador para Uñas de Fickling

(0 Reviews)
Elevador para Uñas de Fickling es un instrumento de quiropedia y podiatría que permite levantar una uña encarnada, con la finalidad de extraerla del lecho ungueal.
  • Borde Romo que Reduce los Daños Locales.
  • Disponible con Espátula Ancha o Estrecha.
  • Agarre Impecable Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.

Medium Tip Nail File

(0 Reviews)
Medium Tip Nail File is a specialized podiatric device that the operator uses to file the edges of toenails, cut the ingrown portion of the nail plate and apply ointments and nail care creams.
  • Triangular Medium Tip to Reach Deep Spaces.
  • Cross-Serrated Tip Surface for Optimal Nail Scraping.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Promoting Superior Control.
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