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Lima de Diamante para Pies

Lima de Diamante para Pies es una herramienta que permite remover la piel excedente de la planta y otras zonas del pie, a fin de reducir el tejido calloso y sus consecuencias, como el dolor opresivo a la pisada.

  • Superficie Diamantada para Callosidades Duras.
  • Diseño Estrecho que se Ajusta a la Planta.
  • Agarre Firme Gracias a su Manto Ergonómico.


La Lima de Diamante para Pies ofrece soluciones estéticas y terapéuticas en podiatría. Desempeña la función de eliminar el tejido calloso formado en las superficies de contacto óseo de los pies.

Para este fin, el instrumento posee una superficie diamantada, cuya textura enarenada potencia el limado. Aparte, su diseño estrecho y plano es ideal para alcanzar incluso los espacios interdigitales.

Nuestra Lima de Diamante para Pies exhibe una punta redondeada que se ajusta a las curvaturas del pie. Además, su mango plano es de superficies lisas para brindar una sujeción confortable.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de excelente calidad con un acabado mate que evita reflejos de luz.

Overall Length

20 cm – 8″, 20 cm – 8


Espejo, Mirror


Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel

CE Marking

Si, Yes


Si, Yes

Used in Specialties: Podiatry Instruments,
Product Category: Files, Saws & Rasps,
Product Type: Nail Files,


Martin Finger Ring Saw

(0 Reviews)
Martin Finger Ring Saw is a specialized surgical device that orthopedic surgeons commonly use to cut stuck or crushed rings off of fingers, in order to prevent ischemia and necrosis.
  • Rotary Blade Granting Smooth Ring Cutting.
  • Safety Lever for Protecting the Desired Finger.
  • Ergonomic Hollow Handle Ensuring Superior Control.

Cottle Nasal Rasp

(0 Reviews)
The Cottle Nasal Rasp assists nasal surgeons to reconstruct bones in rhinoplasty surgeries. Surgeons use them to produce smooth surfaces in contouring procedures.
  • Large hollow handle for non-slip and stable maneuvers.
  • Bayonet-shaped and slender neck for optimal surgical access.
  • Long drawing blade for effective and convenient cuts.

Gigli Saw Handle

(0 Reviews)
Gigli Saw Handle is an accessory instrument that allows for carrying the Gigli Wire Saw during certain surgeries that require osteotomy. This device provides the advantage of cutting bones from multiple angles and directions.
  • T-Shaped Design to Perform Oscillating Movements.
  • Distal Hook to Securely Hold the Gigli Saw.
  • Ergonomic Lugs Ensuring Maximum Control.

Aufricht Glabella Rasp

(0 Reviews)
The Aufricht Glabella Rasp are used to level out and reconstruct bony surfaces in nasal and rhinoplasty procedures.
  • Serrated Handle For Controlled Grips.
  • Slender Shaft For A Clear Field Of Vision.
  • Drawing And Pushing Cut Blades Available To Suit Different Surgical Indications.

Medium Tip Nail File

(0 Reviews)
Medium Tip Nail File is a specialized podiatric device that the operator uses to file the edges of toenails, cut the ingrown portion of the nail plate and apply ointments and nail care creams.
  • Triangular Medium Tip to Reach Deep Spaces.
  • Cross-Serrated Tip Surface for Optimal Nail Scraping.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Promoting Superior Control.

Diamond Deb Foot Dresser

(0 Reviews)
Diamond Deb Foot Dresser is a specialized podiatric and chiropody device that the operator uses for eliminating excess skin from the foot, in order to minimize callous tissue and relieve pressure and friction pain.
  • Diamond Coat Promoting Hardened Skin Removal.
  • Narrow Profile to Reach All Spaces.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.
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