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Buratto Lasik Flap Protector

Buratto Lasik Flap Protector is a specialized ophthalmologic device that surgeons can use for protecting the corneal flap hinge from inadvertent damage. especially during LASIK procedures.

  • Atraumatic Spatula-Shaped Tip For Shielding Its Underlying Tissues.
  • Slender Shank For Accessing Narrow Cavities.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Avoding Finger Strain.


The Buratto Lasik Flap Protector offers multiple benefits during ophthalmologic surgeries involving laser techniques. These benefits assist in keeping soft tissues like the corneal flap safe from injury.

To this purpose, the protector comes with a smooth, spatula-shaped blade. As a result, the surgeon can place the spatula’s edge along the corneal flap, protecting the hinge. Moreover, it provides adequate access to the corneal stroma for its subsequent remodeling.

Also, the protector features a round handle with vertical ridges. The round design has an ergonomic outline, and the ridges avoid instrument slippage.

Lastly, all our Buratto Lasik Flap Protectors are available in premium grade stainless steel.

Author Name





Dissectors, Elevators & Levers, Manipulators

Handle Type

Solid Round Handle

Overall Length

12.5 cm – 5″




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: Ophthalmic,
Product Category: Dissectors, Elevators & Levers,
Product Type:


Tennant Nucleus Rotator

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Tennant Nucleus Rotator is an ophthalmic surgical device that surgeons can use to manipulate and rotate the lens nucleus into an ideal position, thereby permitting its further splitting and extraction from the capsular bag.
  • Atraumatic Ball Tip For Avoiding Local Damage.
  • Angled Tapering Shaft For Accessing Narrow Cavities.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Superior Control.

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Carpenter Tonsil Dissector is a dissecting surgical instrument that assists in the separation of the tonsils during tonsillectomy procedures.
  • Corrugated central handle for solid non-slip grasps.
  • Long and slender necks to enhance surgical access.
  • Two dissecting blades for wide surgical functions.

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  • Dos Partes Activas para Diversos Abordajes.
  • Bordes Afilados para Cortes Atraumáticos.
  • Manejo Impecable Gracias a su Mango Sólido.

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  • Atraumatic Sickle Tip for Preventing Local Injury.
  • Bayonet-Shaped Shaft for Deep Surgical Access.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Jaboma Cleft Palate Elevator

(0 Reviews)
Jaboma Cleft Palate Elevator is a specialized device that maxillofacial surgeons can use to cut, lift and mobilize the periosteum membrane that envelops the maxilla, in order to expose the surfaces of the bone during cleft palate procedures.
  • Semi-Sharp Edges Promoting Smooth Periosteum Removal.
  • Straight Tapering Shaft for Deep Surgical Access.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Nail Elevator

(0 Reviews)
Nail Elevator is a specialized podiatric and chiropody tool that the operator uses to assist in the elevation of the previously cut portion of an ingrown toenail, in order to restore the nail’s anatomy.
  • Double-Ended Profile to Suit Multiple Functions.
  • Straight Tapering Shafts to Reach Deep Spaces.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.
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