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Escaf Nucleus Divider

Escaf Nucleus Divider is a specialized ophthalmic device that surgeons use for manipulating and cracking the lens nucleus, looking towards its extraction from the anterior segment during cataract procedures.

  • Atraumatic Wedge-Shaped Tip Ideal For Breaking Soft Nuclei.
  • Resilient Angled Shank For Adapting To The Cornea’s Convexity.
  • Ergonomic Handle With Vertical Ridges For Avoiding Slippage.


The Escaf Nucleus Divider offers multiple benefits for ophthalmic surgeons. These benefits come in handy for performing nucleus division during phaco and other cataract procedures.

To this end, the divider comes with an atraumatic, wedge-shaped tip. The tip is 1.25mm long and features a semi-sharp inferior edge. As a result, surgeons can divide the lens nucleus vertically or horizontally without damaging the cornea, iris or the ciliary body.

In addition, the divider has a streamlined shank with a middle angle. Moreover, the shank tapers and allows surgeons to pass the tip easily into the anterior cavity.

All our Escaf Nucleus Dividers are available in premium grade stainless steel with a fine satin finish.

Author Name





Ancillary Products and Accessories, Manipulators

Working End Details

Wedge Shaped

Handle Type

Solid Round Handle

Overall Length

12 cm – 4 3/4″

Working End Size

1.25 mm




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: Ophthalmic,
Product Category: Ancillary Products and Accessories,
Product Type:


Escaf Nucleus Divider

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Escaf Nucleus Divider is a specialized ophthalmic device that surgeons use for manipulating and cracking the lens nucleus, looking towards its extraction from the anterior segment during cataract procedures.
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  • Resilient Angled Shank For Adapting To The Cornea's Convexity.
  • Ergonomic Handle With Vertical Ridges For Avoiding Slippage.

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